Jagged peaks drawing me in

Winding through the roads of Wyoming, my first few hours ever experiencing this state, I begin to feel the signs of withdrawal.  Itching for a fix, every bend that my 1998 green 4WD Toyota Tacoma takes, I stretch my neck and squint my eyes, eager to capture what I ache for in my line of sight. Finally getting a small taste, I see a skyline with pristine and intricate granite looking formations, rising maybe a thousand feet above the emerald green trees and red, purple and yellow wildflowers below.  Compact and within reach, these cliffs and features reel me onto a forest service road for a few snapshots. However, they do not fill the void of what I am yearning.


A solid double yellow line curves more often, and I downshift Yoshi between fourth and third gear – both clear signs that what I long for is getting closer. Suddenly, it appears – the grand cow teet. Also known as The Grand Teton, this iconic peak manifests into my view, and I am literally overwhelmed. My chest sinks in, my stomach tightens, and my breathing moves into an unfamiliar rhythm. A succession of inhaling gasps, potentially most akin to hyperventilation, overtakes my body’s ability to function normally.


“Oh my God. Oh my…oh my God. Wow. Holy crap. Oh. My. God.”


Steering the wheel to the right, I pull into the overlook that could only be THE place to take in my first official look at the Grand Teton Range.  An empty parking lot greets Yoshi and I, and I abondon my rig with a few skips and a jump to the porch framing this majestic view coming in from the East side of the park. My right hand floats to my heart and fingernails curl into my chest, as if I am trying to physically ensure my body remembers to breathe and pump blood.


Scanning the skyline, starting at The Grand Teton, then heading North (to my right), and back South (to my left), I exhale with the relief of finally getting my fix.


Jagged peaks.


Unique, rugged, and majestic, they call to me. These jagged peaks are rough. An entire different mountain can form in front of your eyes, depending on the angle you are looking at it from – below, parallel, north, south, etc. Completely asymmetrical and impossible to recreate they are genuine, absolute individuals in the world of nature. From afar, their beauty is overwhelming and seems untouchable.  Once close up, or on top of, you get to know the nooks and crannies of this majestic creation. Every step up, or every new hand or foot hold, you get to know her more. Careful, although it seems that she is a possible challenge, not everyone is blessed to be in her life all the way to the finale.  She is weary and strong, and does not have space in her life for those that do not respect the time and commitment that is required to be one of the few in her tight knit world.


Better yet, are those jagged peaks laden with snow.  Snow brings two additional dimensions: a) it adds even more beauty with snow’s magical touch b) it is a clear sign that she has weathered many storms.  The jagged peaks laden with snow emit a hidden beauty not appreciated by all, but adored by few.  Snow is God’s powdered sugar, sweetening the view, and the experience of nature. It is a blanket of wonder, awe and grandeur.  Like a woman dressed in white, after surviving a life of struggles, all those who set their gaze in her direction will be filled with emotion, as she walks towards her future of bliss.  Joy and gratitude emanate from both the snow laden jagged peak and her onlookers.  They know what she has been through, and how those tribulations have imprinted her outside and within, forever.  Some of the snow sticks to her skin, far past when it first fell from the heaven’s above. It will remain, and she will carry it. Slowly, but surely, more of her jagged granite will be revealed, an unveiling of her triumph.


Jagged peaks. Drawing me in, with their raw and unique beauty, created through overcoming the harsh elements of life. These are my people.


These people first entice you with their eye contact. Unsure of why, you are drawn to them, and want to get to know them more. These people seem to be friends with everyone, but more so, enjoy the calm surroundings of just a few close friends over personal conversations.  You may not know at first what they have gone through in order to bring them to this current place, at this exact moment, but it is guaranteed that this is an epic tale worth waiting for learning.  These people give the best hugs. These people are not perfect or pristine. There is something about their looks and their personality that the general population will not accept. That is why you love these people even more. They are genuine, authentic, true to who they are deep down inside. There is no one else like each one of them. Unique encompasses inside and outside of their soul.  Struggles have crossed their path, like a flash flood in the summertime, side swept and caught up so powerfully and for so long that they were unsure they would survive. Death, mental illness, addiction, or abuse is a word they are all too familiar with, but every time it rings in their ears it still makes them shudder.


Living an unconventional life, out of necessity, their daily decisions are made in order to simply survive. Someone not looking close enough my only see escape or running, but those that understand, usually another jagged peak, just smile and nod. “Yup,” is all that is needed to be said, because you both know.  Changes in their life are not made due to weighing a pro and con list, but rather due to an intuition, paying attention to “gut feelings” and being incredibly self aware.  When the demons come back that have pulled them into the ditch in the past, they know something radical needs to be done in order to keep going and get through to tomorrow, and the next day.  Their blood relations may not be the people they communicate with the most, but they sure do have family. A family that will be there for them, literally right away, when they are needed. Also, they are known to need alone time.  They have to work hard to maintain their healing and growth, and at times it can be quite exhausting. They have large amounts of love to give, and often wind up lending an ear to others who are struggling, simply because their empathy is stronger than most. They have been there. They know what it is like to need someone who will just listen. They know the signs of when someone is in need of a friend. They know the signs when someone is in trouble, lost and holding on by a thread. They give their time and their energy. Therefore, they need time to replenish.


Respect their space for alone time. Encourage them to follow the path that is necessary in order to not just survive, but to thrive. Admire their authenticity. If you are lucky, get to know the nooks and crannies of their soul.


I love all you jagged peaks, and I will forever be drawn to you. I am one of you, and belong amidst your presence. Let’s build a range of snow laden jagged peaks across the world.